Internet is transforming our lives in a way that we have never imagined. As adults, we are definitely in a position to filter the good from the bad. But our kids may not have the same. This is sure to worry parents. The number of cybercrimes is on the rise.

Is the content available on YouTube is safe? What are my children seeing or reading online? Questions like this are sure to haunt parents. The feasible option is to track kids’ online activities.
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Why Track Kids Online?
The worldwide web and kids may become a dangerous combination if left unnoticed. Besides, apps designed for use in social media come up in millions on a daily basis. All of them require you to give certain permissions for them to function smoothly on the phone. Therefore, to protect kids from dangerous threats parents should use a tracking app for phone, this fact alone warrants parents’ tracking kids’ activities online.
Following Are Some Other Reasons Why Parents Should Monitor Kids Online
1. To Protect Them from Dangers
This applies to parents who suspect that their children are going to risky areas. A notorious neighborhood, a place where gangsters roam around; it can be anything. In such an instance, you should always monitor your child’s handheld device. You can use an SMS tracker or GPS software for the purpose. It will let you know wherever your child is.
2. To Safeguard Them from Online Bullies
Online bullying is almost like an epidemic on social media. But up to 80% of them go unreported & this is the critical cyber bulling stats. Cyberbullying can have disastrous effects on kids’ lives. It destroys self-confidence, causes depression and may even lead to suicide. An online tracking app lets you protect your children from such disasters.
The same applies to identity thefts. Children share personal information without a second thought. If they land in the hands of criminals, they can commit their mean acts in your child’s name. Here too, spy software comes to your assistance. With it, you can limit the information your child shares online.
3. Sending Text-Messages to Strangers
Making friends is a sign of growth. Your child is maturing into adulthood. But not everyone is a well-wisher. When you feel that your child’s conversation is dangerous, you can intervene. Monitor that kid’s device so that you may keep track of your child’s communications with people.
4. Viewing Inappropriate Content
Platforms like YouTube and Facebook are great. But not all the content that is shared there is informative. Install tracking software on your kid’s mobile phone. This way, you can keep an eye on the type of content your son or daughter is watching. Remember, early exposure to adult content is not good for children. There are is also the danger of forums that promote hatred or porn.
5. To Catch Watching Adult Content Red-Handed
Kids may have friends who watch adult content. They may share them with them. They may even browse the internet for the same. Such acts should be dealt with utmost caution. The best option is to step in before it becomes too late.
6. Share Personal Data in Various Sites
Now’s a day there are many websites available in search engines including social media, dating, eCommerce sites & many more where kids love to visit. Kids don’t have that much understanding to measure security threats. Such as created unused accounts, doing online shopping & sharing other personal details frequently.
As a parent, they have a responsibility to monitor what kids doing online. Make sure while sharing personal details on eCommerce sites, they have SSL certificates and secure servers to keep your data private. Don’t give your details online to an unknown person because this is the initial stage of threatening.
How a Parental Control and Monitoring App can Help?
Installing a parental control on kids’ mobile phone entitles parents to the following benefits:
- It lets you Block Inappropriate Content: Search engines bring information of all kinds to your fingertips. But this kind of exposure may harm kids. When you install a parental control and monitoring app, you decide what your child can see on the Internet. You can relax the restrictions as your child grows up.
- Access Your Child’s Device Wherever it is: A tracking software lets you know wherever your child. It continues to send his/her location as long as the handheld device stays online.
How TiSpy Parental Control App Helps in Protecting Kids?
If you are on the lookout of a user-friendly parental control app, Ti-Spy is just for you. It lets you be in control of whatever your children do online. The app is designed in such a way as to remain hidden and allow you to monitor kids without annoying them.

Below are some of the Amazing Features the App Has In Store for You:
1. GPS Tracking: This feature lets you know wherever your child is. It notifies you when the kid reaches his/her destination. You also get a full map of your child’s journey with this app.
2. Browsing History: TiSpy will notice the browsing URLs of every website your child visits on the phone. You will know when your child views something inappropriate.
3. Social Media Monitoring: Install TiSpy and monitor your child’s activities on social media. Facebook, Whatsapp, Line, Hangout; there is no limit to what you can monitor.
4. Call Logs: Ti-Spy keeps a log of all the calls your child made on the phone. It notices a number of the caller and the recipient. You will also know the duration and location. If the name is there on your phone’s address book, you even get the person’s image and other details.
5. Monitor and Control Apps: The spy software keeps track of the apps installed on your child’s phone. It informs you of the ones that are used more frequently.
Final Words
Get your child’s consent before installing such apps. You have to convince your child that you have his best interests in mind. The effort will make monitoring an enlightening experience both for you and for your child.