To protect a company’s reputation and save time many of the companies now prefer to hire a detective agency for background checks. To cope with the speed of today’s fast-moving life it even became mandatory now to hire a detective agency in Delhi for a background check of the employee.
Earlier the concept of detective services was not so wide. In ancient times it was used by kings or police to spy on a suspect of any crime. And private detectives were not available easily, it was not a very known concept. But with modernization and demand, Private detective agencies came into existence and slowly-slowly they have widened their horizon.
There are lots of reasons for deciding to undertake a background check. A Detective agency in Delhi provides critical information that can be helpful in protecting the business from negligent hiring and the costs associated with it.
It will reveal the candidate’s unfitness and the relationship between the employee and employer. Failure to do so will lead to costly legal proceedings and unnecessary waste of time as well as money. It will also save employees from workplace violence.
The background check includes the investigation by collecting past records to check the authenticity of the information shared by the candidate or also to make sure that there are no criminal records against the candidate.
The major reasons for background checks are to find the best applicant for the job. The records shared by the candidate are not enough to give him/her the job because the information can be wrong and manipulated.
And if the candidate is hired for some crucial or sensitive role then it becomes a security issue too. So, you can’t just trust the words and documents, you have to be double-sure. Hence a background check becomes mandatory in authenticating the details and ensuring the credibility of the candidate. But with modernization and demand, private detective agencies came into existence and slowly widened their horizon.
Additionally, in today’s context, detective agencies have further diversified their services, encompassing activities such as tracing debtors, which has become an integral part of their repertoire. This includes employing investigative techniques to locate individuals who have outstanding debts, aiding businesses and creditors in recovering their finances while contributing to overall financial security.
There are different ways of doing the background check of a candidate, but basically, what the detective agency does, they work on a few major prospects which are an integral part of the candidate’s life and circle. Some interesting aspects are.
Table of Contents
Need of Detective Service for Background Check
1. Employment Screening
It includes investigating the employee’s information. The information shared by the candidate regarding his previous organization, his last salary, his work ethic or behavior at a previous organization, and the reason for leaving. It will help in deciding the real scenario of the candidate’s previous experience and confirm the authenticity of the CV.
2. Criminal Background Check
It becomes important to check has the candidate ever been convicted of a crime to save your company’s reputation. It also checks, if there are any pending arrest warrants, arrest records, convictions, or any specific type of crime such as theft, or sexual offense against the candidate.
3. Credit report check
This is allowed only in a few crucial employment situations, where the job demands a person with a good credit report and has to deal with crucial data in the company.
Apart from the background check of employees, the other most important background check is the pre-marriage background check of the groom/bride.
The pre-marriage background check has seen a drastic increase because of the increase in the ratio of love marriage over arranged marriage and online matchmaking sites. Earlier families were involved so it was easy to know the background but now the families don’t even know each other.
In case of love marriages, you may know the match perfectly but the parents don’t even know the guy neither they know the family. For the satisfaction and surety of their parents, it becomes mandatory to check their background & know the family. In this situation, the detective agencies in Delhi come to their rescue.
In the case of online matchmaking sites, you met online. You have the least knowledge of reality, you may know each other but how will you decide the authenticity of the information shared by the suitor? To check the authenticity of the bride/groom again it becomes necessary to hire a detective service.
You can say that you trust each other, and the information shared by the suitor is true but it’s a matter of your whole life and no one will prefer to take a risk in such a critical matter. So, it’s better to be doubly sure than regret it later, when the loss becomes irreparable. The matrimonial background check is done on two major grounds.
4. Family Background Check
It is done to know the genuineness of the information shared by the suitor about his family. It includes all the important information such as family status, reputation, and financial background. The character of the bride or groom, their education, job, habits, medical history, or any criminal background (if any).
5. Relationship Background Check
Knowing the relationship status is a must, whether the person is already married, divorced, or single or if he is having an ongoing love affair. This is very crucial and till you are not sure about it don’t say “yes” to the marriage.
You must have realized there is a different types of background checks depending on the purpose and requirements. The most famous one is the background check of an employee and for matrimonial. Other than this business partner background check is also common. It is crucial even in case of a domestic staff hire like a driver or any full-time servant because you will assign them critical roles at home.
In today’s fast-moving world, when we can’t trust anyone, there could be numerous reasons one would feel the need of hiring a detective agency in Delhi. The major reason remains the same, background checks.
The reason why hiring private detective services is always preferred is that you don’t want the involvement of Police in every situation and you can’t even trust them completely. But before hiring a detective agency in Delhi keep in mind to check the authenticity and history of the agency. Also, make sure to compare the minimum top 5 agencies to find out the best suitable one for your service requirement.
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