In this fast-paced world, all of us indulge in some sort of travelling whether it’s a trip to foreign lands for leisure and business or simply commuting from one city to the other for personal or professional reasons.

Facial recognition technology has grown tremendously in the last decade and efforts are now already being taken to use this technology at airports now. US-based Delta Airlines now becomes one of the very first aviation company that allows checking in kiosks. This new way of checking in at the airport has made things a lot more streamlined, helping passengers to get to their flight on time with minimal disruptions. Hiring the services of a reputable airport kiosk manufacturer, makes all of this possible.
With the use of this new tech, there will be no more hassles of standing in queues and long lines for passport and visa verification. One can now easily check in at airports and board flights with just a biometric check.
2. Wearables that Help Translate Different Languages
Well, all of us at one point or the other faced a culture barrier arriving at foreign lands and not being able to converse in the local language. This is soon going to change with a new tech. An Australian based tech startup has come up with a device called the One2One, a wearable gadget that translates conversations within seconds.
The device can currently speak up to 8 different languages like Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, French, German etc. The One2One doesn’t need Wi-fi or Bluetooth which means minimal possibilities of lagging
3. Glasses that Lets you Shoot Videos
The tech from James Bond and Sci-fi movies has finally made its way into real life with glasses that now have the capacity to shoot HD videos. Epiphany Eyewear plastic and titanium frames allow you this unique experience now which comes with a built-in HD camcorder.
This comes in two variants, the 8Gb model and the 32 GB model that allows you to shoot videos in 720p resolution.
4. Digital Bag Tags for Travelers
How often have people faced the ugly problem of losing their luggage while flying international without a hint of an idea as to where exactly your luggage went. All this thing will be in the distant past now with the coming of age digital tags. An RFID tech developed by SITA can now keep track of your luggage in real time right from your check into your flight arrival time.
The idea remains the same as check-in tags with a slight twist wherein the barcode is integrated with an RFID chip that will help keep track of your bags without needing to scan them.
So there we have the 4 tech innovations that are changing the face of travel tech. After all, a simple hassle-free travel experience is all that we crave for.