5 Must-Have Strategies to Grow your Instagram

Want to know how to grow on Instagram in 2020? Find out what the best strategies are for growing Instagram organically and what hundreds of entrepreneurs are already using.

Strategies to grow instagram

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How to Grow on Instagram in 2020 with These 5 Must-Have strategies:

1. Publish Content Consistently and Automatically.

This strategy will allow you to grow organically through the content you publish almost daily.

The key points for success in this strategy are

  1. Publish constantly.
  2. Publish content that you know works in your niche.
  3. Automate your publications.

To begin with, let’s be clear about one thing.

Your goal is not to just get followers, but to get followers who are related to your niche: users who are really interested in what you publish because you entertain them and/or give them value.

For this, you need to define Instagram’s account very well, both in the content you publish and in the audience you target.

I recommend you to look at other profiles in your sector that have a high level of participation and interaction of their followers (likes and comments). And if they have a constant growth of users even better.

Follow your competitors, learn from them and adopt the keys you have discovered to include them in your content strategy.

How to Publish in a Constant and Automated Way?

Surely you must be thinking:

How? What?

I’m sure you’re already aware: publishing daily on Instagram is not easy.

It’s normal that at first, the excitement of achieving your goals will cause you to stick to your schedule, but eventually, a thousand stories will come out that will cause these tasks to be postponed and lose priority over others.

Don’t worry, it’s happened to all of us.

However, there is a solution.

I recommend that you create a monthly editorial calendar (in this case for Instagram, but it could be for all the social networks you are on) to help you schedule your publications each month.

Follow these steps:

  1. Set aside 2-3 hours a month to plan and think about the content (and types of content) you want to share with your audience over the next few weeks.
  2. If you have a blog, you can get inspiration from the sections you already have and it will surely help you create (or recycle) content.
  3. Choose your weekly publication days and try to respect them.
  4. Write them down in the calendar and follow a pattern (for example: on Mondays, I publish the recipe of the week, on the 2nd Tuesday of the month an interview, on Thursdays a cooking trick, etc…). This way you will get your followers used to the frequency of publication of each of your content categories.
  5. Schedule your publications one month in advance. This way you will have an overview of everything you want to communicate to your audience.
  6. Once the month’s calendar is closed, it’s time for “production”. Now it’s time to create content (images, posts, videos, podcasts, etc…). Reserve several blocks of time in the same week and create/produce all your content.

Ready, you’re almost there!

Now all that’s left to do is to program the publications on Instagram automatically.

You don’t think you’ll have to wait every day to publish the content you’re playing, do you?

There are hundreds of tools and programs on the market that you can use to schedule your posts and forget about it! You can also check this app​ ​to​ ​grow​ ​your​ ​followers.

Here’s a list of some tools you can use to schedule your posts on Instagram:

  1. Later (this is the one I use and I’m very satisfied, and it has a free plan)
  2. Planoly (I used this one a long time ago, it also offers a free plan)
  3. Postcron (one of the strongest on the market, and the one I’m almost tempted to try)
  4. Hootsuite (a classic, good for Instagram and many other social networks)

This way, every day your content will be published automatically while you can devote yourself to growing your business, doing your homework with the kids or commenting on the latest episode of Game of Thrones.

2. Apply SEO on Instagram

As you may already know, Instagram also has its own search engine for users to discover people, content, hashtags, places, etc…

Well, where there’s a search engine, there’s SEO.

Therefore, the objective of this second strategy is to have your content appear in the first positions of the search results.

I give you an example: if a user wants to discover “nutritionists” on Instagram he will go to the search engine and insert this keyword in order to get results: people, hashtags or places.

Therefore, you need to appear in these results to increase your followers organically.

In order to appear in the first results, in addition to publishing quality and value-added content, you should know that Instagram’s algorithm takes into account the following factors to position you in the top results

  1. Frequency of publication: the higher the frequency with which you publish, the better.
  2. Up-to-date and fresh content: It’s clear that you’ll never rank first in a publication from 2 weeks ago…right?
  3. Quantity and quality of the publication interaction: likes + comments. And above all “comments”.
  4. Hashtags related to the consultation: Obviously, you must implement hashtags in the description in a strategic way. Remember that hashtags would be the equivalent of keywords in traditional SEO.

“Comments are the interaction that best positions on Instagram.”

3. The Strategy of the Mentions or the “Colleague Instagramero”

I wanted to divide this strategy into two parts, as you have two alternatives for carrying it out:

Mention by Mention

A first option is to contact other profiles in your same market niche, who have a similar account to yours and ask them if they are interested in exchanging a mention with you.

The idea is to mention each other in a publication or story.

Once you reach an agreement, don’t forget to agree on the inclusion of a call to action in both publications (for example: “Follow @user if you want to discover the best hotels in Ibiza”).

Remember that you will have a greater chance of success if both accounts are similar in terms of a number of followers, and obviously in types of content.

Paying for a Mention

Very similar to the previous one with the difference that here you will have to pay the other account to be mentioned.

It’s not a mutual collaboration.

It’s a business arrangement.

Investigate in your niche to discover those accounts that are similar to yours and have a large number of followers ( from 30.000 followers it starts to be interesting) so that it generates a significant volume of traffic to your profile.

Then contact them to ask them if they mention payment and what their rates are.

Please note that sometimes the rates may vary depending on whether the publication will be published in your account temporarily or permanently.

4. Participate in Other Accounts in Your Sector

This strategy is based on interacting with other profiles similar to yours by leaving comments and likes.

Identify those accounts in your sector that you consider interesting and follow their publications.

Participate in recent publications as they have much greater visibility among users.

And above all, when you leave a comment, it must be interesting and provide something of real value.

Join the conversations in those publications as well. Reply to other users and make yourself visible and relevant.

This strategy works very well with medium-sized accounts (between 5,000 and 8,000 followers) as there are fewer comments in a single conversation and everything is much more visible.

5. Create your own Community

This strategy is long-term, and its goal is to build loyalty among your audience through the value you bring to them and the interaction you have with them.

Some of the key points to get your community up and running could be

Talk to Them

Start asking them, ask their opinion. Talk to them and tell them your opinion.

Not only in publications, but also in your stories.

Instagram offers you more and more tools to communicate with your audience such as surveys, questions, etc.

Appoint that Community

It generates a “tribal” spirit.

Who does not like to belong to a group of people with the same tastes or hobbies?

Be creative. Invent a name or nickname for your community, and make your people part of it.

Start Streaming

Instagram Direct works very, very well.

So put the shame in the closet and get started with your first live shows.

It doesn’t matter how many people you have in the room watching your streaming broadcast.

Keep in mind that Instagram’s live streaming puts you ahead of all the stories, so you’re more likely to be discovered and seen! It’s also a great tool for collaborating with other professionals or colleagues, doing interviews, debates, etc… and not just being on screen in front of your audience.

Don’t miss this opportunity to create community, add value and make yourself known to your audience.

Create a Raffle

Holding a draw on Instagram has proven to be one of the most effective techniques for gaining followers and participation.

It is also very easy to implement:

  1. The mechanics of the draw is usually as follows: the participant must leave alike in the publication, follow your account and mention one, two or three people in a comment.
  2. Mention the final date of the draw: It’s good that you set the duration between 5 and 10 days to get more visibility.
  3. Share it in the stories and in your profiles in other social networks such as YouTube or Facebook.
  4. And don’t forget to mention when and how you will notify the winners.
  5. Finally select the winner, either manually or using tools such as Comment Picker.

This strategy works for all types of accounts but is especially interesting for those profiles that sell physical products or have an online store, as it allows them to give away their own products, as well as get more visibility and why not more sales of new followers.

You already have 5 strategies to grow on Instagram in a safe and organic way and they work. My recommendation is that you don’t use just one, but try to combine several at once. This way you will get better results in less time.

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